What is Energy Healing


We are all made of energy.  Energy is consciousness. When we connect to the universal source of energy we can transform our lives.  Energy healing is the process whereby we are supported in the process of this connection.  Energy healing practitioners, no matter what school they are taught at or from which perspective they come from all must do one basic thing, assist you in your connection to the universal energy source. This connection may come in the form of hands on energy work such as Reiki or Brennan Healing Science, distance healing, shamanistic healing, sound healing, the list is long and can be as simple as a mother’s hug or a complex ceremony.

There is a long list of those that discredit energy healing by saying there is no scientific evidence to support this work. But for all of the nay-sayers there are accounts of miraculous healing occurring with energy healing.  Energy healing is especially beneficial when it is used in an integrative way with a medical team.

Depending on the practitioner, sessions can vary in scope and process but they always return to the connection between you and the universal energy source.  Often times Energy healing practitioner can be viewed as jumper cables making this connection for you, while they remove blocks and restructure ruptures in your energy field.

When looking for an energy healer make sure that they follow a guide of principles in practice.  Ask if they belong to an association that Supports their work and see if they are insured. And most of all make sure you are comfortable with that practitioner.  This is your healing journey and it is essential that you feel aligned with those you work with.