What is Distance Healing?


Adapted from Cara Andershock, Journeys to the sacred at https://www.journeystothesacred.com/

Most people agree that prayer works. But how? It is a heart based thought or an intention that is directed to another person, animal, place or situation for healing or resolution.  We do this through the interconnected web of life, also known as the unified field or Source. 

Have you ever felt like someone was staring at you and you turned around and they were? Their focus was penetrating your energy field and you could feel it.  Have you ever thought about another person and then you receive a phone call or a text from them? It’s not a coincidence. You were communicating through the unified field that extends out from you to another’s field and the information is picked up through the field of the other person.  We are all interconnected.

It’s been scientifically proven that everything is energy and everything is vibrating. Even those things that appear solid like a table or a stone. Some things are just vibrating at a slower frequency and that’s why they appear solid.  Einstein taught us that energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed.  And that transformation of energy (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, chronic conditions, dis-ease, etc.) is what occurs during healings.

Everything in the Universe is interconnected through a holographic field (One small fragment contains the whole). We are each individualized expression of Source.  We each have a human energy field that surrounds each of us and interpenetrates our body that is also connected to the universal web of life. This is where we can access information, heal, transform and transmute energy.

As a healer, one must tune in to a frequency that is beyond the third dimension perception of space and linear time. To a place where everything is happening in the NOW and you are able to access everything. This creates a vibratory connection to the client for healing.  This is done by the healer raising their vibration through meditation and higher brain wave states and then connecting with the Unified field and client.

The healer makes a connection with the client, by raising and lowering their vibration to a specific frequency that resonates with the client. It’s like if you’re listening to the radio and you tune the receiver to 101.5 you are not going to hear the music that’s on the frequency of 98.6.  So it’s important for the healer to then raise their vibration and connect to the higher vibratory frequencies to transmute the lower frequencies that are in the clients field.  Those lower frequencies may show up as habitual patterns or thoughts, stress, chronic conditions or dis-ease in the body.