What Is Brennan Healing Science?


Brennan Healing Science is a unique and highly specialized form of energy healing developed by Dr. Barbara Brennan, physicist, therapist, healer, author of Hands of Light, and founder of the

Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Brennan Healing Science Practitioners complete over 2000 hours of extensive study and practice in the four-year program at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.

These services complement traditional medical and psychological treatment.

 Come and experience the relationship between the physical body & emotional,  mental & spiritual health.

As a Brennan Healing Science Practitioner I can help you access your innate and natural ability to heal. This can support you in achieving your personal potential and in living a meaningful, joy-filled life. The healings support the energetic clearing of your field and help you develop a deeper understanding of yourself. As your understanding increases so does your ability to identify the major obstacles in your life. By tracing these obstacles back to their origins and releasing them with love, you can learn to free yourself from old patterns and behaviors that no longer serve your highest good. This is the process of healing.